These instructions are for setting up a link from your Moodle course to your Perceivant course. You will need to request a Key and Secret if you have not already been provided one by Perceivant.
Log into Moodle
In the Course that you would like to add the LTI link, under the Course Administration menu, click turn editing on. From your course, select Add Activity or Resource and select External Tool. Then click Add.(This step may vary depending on the Moodle implement. This selection may be from a drop down box instead of a pop-up.)
On the Adding a new External Tool page, complete the following fields (Under General, click show more... link to open all fields):
- General
- Activity Name: Be sure to give it a name that clearly identifies it as the way the student will access their course material. We find that if it’s vague like “Textbook”, the students don’t understand that this is the way they will access all their course material every time they need to get to it. Ex. HES 100-001, PF: Conditioning Course Material Access
- Activity Description: This is helpful to explain to the student that they should always use this link to access their course material.
- Display description on course page = Not Checked
- Display activity name when launched = Checked
- Display activity description when launched = Not Checked
- External Tool Type: Automatic, Based on Launch URL
- Launch URL:
- Secure launch URL:
- Launch Container: New Window
- Consumer key: Provided by Perceivant, for each course section
- Shared secret: Provided by Perceivant, for each course section
- Custom parameters: Leave blank
- Icon URL: Leave blank
- Secure icon URL: Leave blank
- Under Security
- Share launcher's name with the tool = checked
- Share launcher's email with the tool = checked
- Accept grades from the tool = checked
- Restrict Access – at your discretion
- Activity Completion – at your discretion
Click Save and Display to test the link. The Perceivant application should open directly to an enrollment screen for that specific course and section.
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