Getting Started
Loading the Guided Learning Chapters will open up a new window within your browser. If you have pop-ups disabled, this might not allow the link to open a new window. Holding down the SHIFT key while clicking on the link should fix this issue.
Selecting "Start New" will start a new attempt of the Guided Learning chapter, starting the chapter at 0% completed. It will warn you beforehand if you already have a session in progress. If you would like to continue a previous session, click on Continue next to the existing attempt.
Table of Contents
The table of contents allows the student access to each section of a chapter without having to navigate through everything to get to a specific point. It allows for easier access to areas that students need improvement on as well. The table of contents can be accessed by selecting the three white lines at the top-left of the Guided Learning module.
A glossary has been added to Guided Learning to assist students with key terms and phrases from the chapter. This can be accessed by selecting the "glossary" icon in the top-right corner of the Guided Learning module.
Questions will be throughout the chapters in order to assist the student in remembering what they've just read. It will also assist the student in tracking areas that their knowledge of the subject needs improvement.
Chapter Progress
Students can track their progress throughout a Guided Learning chapter. It gives the student a detailed description of what they have completed, how much time they spent in the area, as well as how many questions they were able to answer correctly within a section of the chapter.
Progress can be tracked by selecting "Progress" at the top-right corner of the Guided Learning module.
The assignment is considered complete when each page has been visited and each question has been attempted at least once. Once the assignment shows as 100% complete, it will auto-submit.
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