Instructors can choose from a variety of question types to add to a quiz.
Multiple Choice Question
To answer a multiple choice question, click the radio button next to the answer.
True/False Question
To answer a true/false question, click the radio button next to the answer.
Fill-in-the-Blank Question
To answer a fill-in-the-blank question, click the text box and type your answer.
Fill-in-Multiple-Blanks Question
To answer a fill-in-multiple-blanks question, click the first text box [1] and type your first answer. Click the second text box [2] and type your second answer. Continue this process until you have answered the question.
Multiple Answers Question
To answer a multiple answer question, click the check boxes [1] next to all the applicable answers [2].
Multiple Dropdowns Question
To answer a multiple drop-down question, click the the drop-down menu and select your answer. Continue until you have answered all parts of the question.
Matching Question
To answer a matching question, click the drop-down menu [1] and select your answer [2]. Continue until you have matched all the options.
Numerical Answer Question
To answer a numerical question, click the text box and type your answer.
Formula Question
To answer a formula question, click the text box and type your answer.
Essay Question
To answer an essay question, click the text box [1] and type your content. Content can be formatted through the Rich Content Editor [2].
Note: Essay questions can also be used for mathematical questions that require the LaTex equation editor. To insert a mathematical equation, click the equation icon [3] in the Rich Content Editor.
File Upload Question
To answer a file upload question, click the Choose a File button. Perceivant will open a file dialog box where you can locate the file on your computer. Select the file and it will be uploaded as your answer. Perceivant will confirm that your file has been uploaded [2]. You can also remove your file by clicking the remove icon [3] and submit a new file.
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