Some discussions may require the student's to submit an original post by a certain date and then replies to other posts by the final date. Since you can only create one due date for the Discussion assignment, this can cause student's to forget to create their original post early. A way to help keep the student's on track with their discussion posts is by creating a calendar event for the date of the original post.
Open Calendar
Open the Calendar from the main navigation on the left. Click the + to add a new event.
Add Event
Make sure that you pick the Course calendar for Calendar [1]. Then click More Options [2].
Set-Up Event
Enter the Event Title [1] (Ex. Discussion Original Post Deadline), a description or instructions [2]. Click on Discussions [3] to open the links for all the discussions.
Add Discussion Assignment Link
Click the discussion [1] that you would like to add to the Calendar Event so that the student's can click on the link to get to the correct assignment.
Create Event
The discussion link will be added to your Calendar Event. You can set different dates for each section or the same date for all sections. When you are done, click Create Event to save it.
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