The Attendance (Roll Call) tool is an external app (LTI) used for taking attendance in Perceivant courses. The Attendance tool can be used for online or face-to-face courses. Enabled at the account level, the Roll Call Attendance tool can be used by all courses in the Perceivant account.
The Attendance tool always appears as a visible Course Navigation link, but it cannot be viewed by students, so hiding the link in Course Settings is not necessary. If instructors do not want to use the Attendance tool in their courses, no action is required. However, if you do use the Attendance tool, students can view their attendance report through the Roll Call Attendance submission details page.
Note: The Attendance tool must be enabled for your institution before it can be used in Perceivant courses. If you are an admin, contact your Customer Success Manager for assistance.
View Attendance
With the Attendance tool, instructors can keep track of course attendance by taking roll electronically. Instructors can choose to view the tool in a list or grid format and can customize the placement of each student in the seating chart.
View Attendance Assignment
When you take attendance using Roll Call, Perceivant automatically adds Attendance as an assignment. The default point value for attendance is 100 points.
To avoid Attendance calculation errors, never delete, rename, or unpublish the Attendance assignment.
Note: Although students cannot view the actual attendance tool, they can still view the attendance assignment in the Assignments page. This assignment cannot be hidden from students.
Take Attendance
The status set for each student is associated with a percentage value. Statuses include present and on time, not present, late, and unmarked (excused absence).
The Attendance tool also creates an assignment in the Gradebook and calculates attendance as a percentage of a student's grade.
View Lateness Value
By default, the value of being late is 80% of the present value. So if a student is late, the student will receive 80% for the day instead of the full 100%. The late value can be adjusted in Roll Call settings.
View Gradebook Scores
In the Gradebook Attendance column, by default Perceivant displays the assignment based on percentage of the point value. For instance, if the point value is 100, and roll call has been taken twice, a student with one present value (100%) and one lateness value (calculated at 80%) will have a score of 90 points, or 90%.
The Attendance Gradebook column will update every time you take roll call in the Attendance tool.
Note: Although students cannot view the actual attendance tool, if you are using attendance for grading, they can still view their attendance score in their Grades page and view their attendance report. Attendance notifications can also be hidden by muting the assignment, which will prevent the assignment from triggering notifications.
Export Attendance Data
At both the account and course levels, the Attendance tool allows users to create attendance reports.
Note: Admins can also filter reports by SIS Course ID.
Create and Manage Badges
At the account level, admins can create and manage badges used in the Attendance Tool.
At the course level, any badges added by a Perceivant admin automatically appear for the course. However, instructors can also create additional badges for their course as needed.
Table of Contents > Bearface Features > What is the Roll Call Attendance Tool?
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