Once a reviewer grades a moderated assignment, the grade appears in the Moderate page as a provisional grade in the appropriate reviewer column. An assignment supports up to two provisional grades from reviewers. If you want to moderate assignments anonymously, you can enable anonymous grading.
If you have moderator permissions, you can review assignments that have been reviewed in SpeedGrader. If an assignment includes a rubric, you can also view the rubric criterion and any feedback that have been used to grade a submission.
As the moderator, you control the final grade for the assignment. After reviewing the provisional grade(s), you can choose to copy a reviewer's assessment as the final grade or create a new assessment.
Once grades are assigned, you must post the final grades to the Gradebook. Any grades added to SpeedGrader or the Gradebook before final grades have been posted will be overwritten.
Courses with Multiple Moderators
An assignment supports only one moderator grade, which can be edited or overwritten by any user with the moderate grades permission. However, sometimes a course may contain more than one user with permission to moderate grades (e.g. more than one instructor). If more than one moderator exists in a course, you may want to discuss a policy for your course as to which of you will control official grade posting for the assignment.
- Students can only view comments in the submission that is selected for the final grade; they cannot view comments from any other provisional grade reviews. If you want to include any comments from additional reviewers, you will have to copy the comments manually into the submission selected for the final grade.
- If a reviewer uses Perceivant DocViewer annotations, students can only view the annotations in the assessment that was selected or copied as the final grade. In copied reviews, students can view the original reviewer's annotations as well as any annotations added by the moderator.
Open SpeedGrader

Open SpeedGrader from any assignment, graded discussion, or quiz.
Open Student Submission

Use the student list to locate a student submission.
Select Final Grade
As the moderator, you control the final grade for the assignment. An assignment supports up to two provisional (reviewer) grades and one moderator grade, all of which may appear for the submission.
After one reviewer grades the submission, you can view the provisional grade, associated comments, and other SpeedGrader data. You can choose to select the first reviewer's grade as the final grade, or you can create additional reviews.
If any other users in the course are able to review an assignment, you can also enable a second review if a second review was not already set.
If a second reviewer is not available, but you do not want to use the provisional grade assigned by the first reviewer, you can add a new review to create for the submission grade.
View 1st Reviewer Grade

By default, the assessment from the first reviewer displays in SpeedGrader. You can review the submission, provisional grade, and any comments created by the reviewer. You can submit the 1st reviewer's assessment or add your own review.
To set the 1st reviewer's grade for the assignment, click the Select button.
Add Review

To add your own review, click the Add Review drop-down menu [1], then select a grading option [2]:
- Add 2nd Review: Create a second provisional grade for another reviewer
- Add Moderator Review (New): Create a moderator grade with your own comments
- Add Moderator Review (Copy 1st): Apply the grade and comments from the first reviewer, but you can add your own comments and edit the grade
View 2nd Reviewer Grade

If there is a second reviewer, click the 2nd Reviewer tab. View the provisional grade and comments as assigned by the second reviewer. You can submit the 2nd reviewer's assessment or add your own review.
To set the 2nd reviewer's grade for the assignment, click the Select button.
Add Review 
To add your own review, click the Add Review drop-down menu [1], then select a grading option [2]:
- Add Moderator Review (New): Create a new review with your own comments and grade
- Add Moderator Review (Copy 1st): Apply the grade and comments from the first reviewer, but you can add your own comments and edit the grade
- Add Moderator Review (Copy 2nd): Apply the grade and comments from the second reviewer, but you can add your own comments and edit the grade
View Moderator Grade

If SpeedGrader includes a moderator review, click the Moderator tab. A moderator review may display if your course has enrolled more than one user with permission to manage grades (e.g. more than one instructor), and that moderator has already graded the assignment. An assignment only supports one moderator grade, so as a moderator you can edit or overwrite the existing moderator grade.
View the grade and comments as assigned by the moderator. You can submit the moderator's assessment or add your own review.
To set the moderator's grade for the assignment, click the Select button.
Add Review

If you want to overwrite the moderator grade, click the Add Review drop-down menu [1], then select a grading option [2]:
- Add Moderator Review (Copy 1st): Apply the grade and comments from the first reviewer, but you can add your own comments and edit the grade
- Add Moderator Review (Copy 2nd): Apply the grade and comments from the second reviewer, but you can add your own comments and edit the grade

SpeedGrader generates a warning message asking if you want to override the existing grade in the moderator column. To continue, click the OK button.
View Final Grade

Once you have selected a grade, a checkmark appears next to the review you selected [1]. However, you can select a different grade by clicking the name of the reviewer tab and clicking the Select button [2].
View Review Outside Moderation Set

Student submissions that do not include an Add Review link were not added to the moderation set.
If there is more than one reviewer in a course, and a student submission is not added to the moderation set, the first reviewer who scored the submission is the only person who can grade the assignment. The second reviewer will see a message that the submission has already received a grade.
If a reviewer graded the assignment and you do not want to select the first reviewer's assessment, you can add a review by returning to the Moderate page and adding the student to the moderation set.
Post Grades

Once you have selected the final grade for all students, you must return to the Moderate page and post final grades to the Gradebook. Otherwise the final grade will not apply.
Note: Once a grade is posted, the grade in the Moderate page cannot be changed; all content is considered read-only for historical reference. However, grades can still be changed in the Gradebook.
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