This lesson will help you use different calendar event dates for each section you have in your course.
Note: You need to add sections to your course before you can set a different date for an event for each section.
Open Calendar

In Global Navigation, click the Calendar link.
Add Event

Click the Add icon.
View More Options

Add a title [1] and location [2] for the event. The date and time fields are automatically populated based on the current date but do not need to be removed.
In the Calendar drop-down menu [3], select the course calendar for the event. Click the More Options button [4].
Use a Different Date

Click the Use a different date for each section checkbox.
Set Section Dates

The default date is removed and replaced with all the sections in your course.
For each section, type in a date, or select a date by clicking the Calendar icon [1], and specify the start and end time [2]. If you don't want one section to see the event, leave the date and time fields blank.
Create Event

Click the Create Event button.
View Events

View the events in your course calendar. Each section will have a separate Calendar event.
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