SpeedGrader makes it easy to evaluate individual student assignments and group assignments quickly.
SpeedGrader displays assignment submissions for active students in your course. However, SpeedGrader displays assignment submissions according to the current Gradebook settings for inactive enrollments and concluded enrollments. For instance, if the Gradebook settings show inactive enrollments, inactive student submissions also appear in SpeedGrader.
You can access SpeedGrader through:
- Assignments
- Quizzes
- Graded Discussions
- The Gradebook
View SpeedGrader
View SpeedGrader Menu Icons
The SpeedGrader menu includes several tools and resources to assist with grading assignments.
The left side of the menu includes general settings and options:
- Gradebook Icon: Return to the Gradebook [1].
- Mute Icon: Mutes or unmutes the assignment [2].
- Keyboard Icon: Opens a list of keyboard shortcuts for SpeedGrader [3].
- Help Icon: Opens the help menu [4].
- Settings Icon: Opens the SpeedGrader Settings menu [5].
View Assignment Details
The center of the menu bar includes assignment information and overall grading information. Assignment information includes the name of the assignment [1], assignment due date [2], and the name of the course [3].
To view the assignment, click the name of the assignment. To return to the Course Home Page, click the name of the course.
Grading information includes assignment statistics, including the number of assignments that have been graded out of the total number of submissions [4] and the average score and percentage [5].
View Student List
The right side of the menu bar includes the student list for the assignment. SpeedGrader opens the assignment for the first student listed in the student list, arranged alphabetically by last name.
To display the list of students in the course, click the drop-down arrow [1].
If your course includes more than one section, students are displayed according to the section shown in the Gradebook [2]. By default, the Gradebook shows all sections, though you can select a specific section to view. Note that this option is only available to instructors; admins cannot filter assignments by section.
When you view a submission, the student which student submission you are viewing in the student list compared to the total number of students [3].
View Assignment Indicators
For easy identification, each student is identified with an assignment submission status next to his or her name:
- A green checkmark indicates the assignment has been graded
- An orange dot indicates the assignment has not been graded or has been re-submitted
- No checkmark and a grayed out name indicates the assignment has not been submitted
- A gray checkmark indicates the assignment is moderated and has already been graded by another grader
View Student Submission
Once you have selected a student, view the student's assignment in the main body of SpeedGrader.
Depending on the assignment and submission type, the SpeedGrader preview window may vary. For example, a website URL submission type will appear in the main body of SpeedGrader with the option to open the URL in a new tab. Some website URL submissions cannot be viewed in Perceivant and must be viewed in a new tab.
To provide comments on document submissions, you can:
- Use Crocodoc to mark up .pdf, .doc/.docx, and .ppt/.pptx assignments directly in SpeedGrader
- Download the submission, put feedback on the document, and re-upload the submission
View Submission Details
When you open SpeedGrader for a particular assignment, you will see each individual submission, the date and time that it was submitted [1], and a red notification if the assignment was submitted after the due date [2]. If an assignment can be downloaded, you can view the name of the submission and a download link [3].
Verify Student Annotation Views
If you add annotations to an assignment using Crocodoc, you can view when the student viewed the annotations. SpeedGrader shows the date and time that the student opened the file and viewed your feedback.
Evaluate Multiple Submissions
If a student has submitted more than one assignment, the submission view will include a drop-down menu [1] where you can view prior submissions.
By default, the date of the most recent assignment will always be shown first. Perceivant will warn you if you are not viewing the most recent submission [2].
Grade Submission
To submit a grade for the student's assignment, enter the grade in the Grade field [1].
If a rubric is attached to the assignment, you can view the rubric by clicking the View Rubric button [2]. If your rubric is set up for grading, the Grade field will automatically populate with the rubric grade results.
Add Comments
In the Assignment Comments section, you can post comments to the student. Any comments that have been made by the student also appear in this section.
If you would like to submit a comment on the evaluated assignment, type in the Add a Comment field [1]. You can also attach a file or a media comment by clicking one of the media icons [2]. When you are ready to submit your comment, click the Submit button [3].
Assignment comments also display as a new thread in Conversations.
Note: If you navigate away from a SpeedGrader page before submitting your comment(s), Perceivant generates a message warning that you have unsaved comments on the page.
View Assignment for Next Student
Once you grade the submission, the student's assignment indicator changes to a green check mark, indicating the submission has been graded.
You can view the next student's submission by clicking the arrow button next to the student list.
View Group Assignments
When evaluating group assignments, the SpeedGrader drop-down menu displays the name of each group, unless the group assignment is graded individually. Evaluating group assignments is the same process as individual students. You can mark up documents directly or download them for feedback, enter grades and view the rubric, and post and view comments. Learn more about grading group assignments.
View Moderated Assignment
If a submission is unable to be graded, the submission may be part of a moderated assignment that was not added to a moderation set and does not accept submissions from multiple graders.
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