The Discussion Index page allows you to view all the discussions within a course. As an instructor, you can add discussions and modify discussion settings.
Open Discussions

In Course Navigation, click the Discussions link.
View Discussions Index Page

The Discussions Index page is designed with global settings at the top of the page [1], followed by the Discussion groups [2]. Individual discussions are nested within each Discussion group [3].
View Discussions Global Settings

Global settings include searching for a discussion [1], filtering unread discussions [2], and filtering graded assignments [3]. You can also add a new discussion [4] and edit discussion settings [5].
View Discussion Groups

Discussion groups can be expanded and collapsed by clicking the arrow next to the name.
Discussions are organized into three main areas:
1. Discussions. These are current discussions within the course. Discussions can remain open indefinitely, or you can specify a date range (as designated by the available from/until date). Discussions with replies are ordered by most recent activity. Discussions with no replies are ordered by creation date. Students will only see this section heading if there are discussions within this section.
2. Pinned Discussions. These are discussions that you want your students to see at the top of their page. Pinned discussions can be arranged in any order. Students will only see this section heading if there are discussions within this section.
3. Closed for Comments. These discussions have been manually closed for comments, or the discussion is past the available from/until date. These are discussions that are only available in a read-only state. Closed for comments discussions are also ordered by most recent activity. Students will always see this section heading, even if there are no discussions within this section.
View Individual Discussion

Each discussions displays whether or not it is a graded discussions [1], the name of the discussion [2], the date of the last discussion post [3], the due date (if any) [4], the discussion draft state status (published or unpublished) [5], whether or not you are subscribed to the discussion [6], and the number of unread/total posts in the discussion [7]. The number of unread/total posts is not included for group discussions [8].
The peer review icon [9] also displays if a graded discussion has been assigned peer reviews.
You can also set varied due dates for a discussion and create due dates according to course section. Varied due dates appear as multiple dates.
Note: Due dates are not required for discussions.
View Availability Dates 
Assignments can also include availability dates. Availability dates can make an assignment available for only a specific period of time.
Manage Individual Discussion 
For each individual discussion, you can use the settings drop-down menu to pin or unpin the discussion [1], move the discussion [2], duplicate the discussion [3], or delete the discussion [4].
View Discussion 
To view discussion details and replies, click the name of the discussion.
View MasteryPaths 
If you use MasteryPaths in your course, you can tell which items are set up in Modules as MasteryPaths or conditional content items.
View Blueprint Course 
If your course includes Blueprint icons, your course is associated with a blueprint course. Blueprint Courses are courses managed as a template and may contain locked objects managed by a Perceivant admin, course designer, or other instructor.
The Course Details tab in Course Settings will tell you if your course is a blueprint course. Most commonly, your course will not be a blueprint course and you can only manage unlocked content in your course. If your course is a blueprint course, you can lock and sync course content to associated courses.
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